- Place and date of birth: Zalau, 28th November 2000
- Nationality: Hungarian
- E-mail: meszaros.botond28[at]
Exams and Qualifications
- Romanian Baccalaureate in Mathematics, Advanced level (94.5)
- Romanian Baccalaureate in Physics, Advanced level (91.5)
- Romanian Baccalaureate in Hungarian Language & Literature, Standard level (100)
- Romanian Baccalaureate in Romanian Language & Literature, Standard level (92.5)
- 2019: Eötvös Lóránd University Institute of Physics, BSc
- 2015-2019: „Gheorghe Pop de Băsești” Secondary Grammar School
Language Skills
- English (intermediate level, B2)
- Hungarian (native)
- Romanian (intermediate level, B2)
Research experience
- 2018-2019: „A general time- and memory-efficient simulation, study and reduction of high-dimensional complex systems”, awarded 1 st Place by Hungarian Association for Innovation
- 2017-2018: Junior Research Fellow at Talent Research Foundation in the Carpathian Basic (KMTA): „Computer Aided Geometric Design, Control-point based exact description of curves and surfaces”, lead by Dr. Róth Ágoston from Babes-Bolyai Univesity, Cluj-Napoca
Presentations at scientific conferences
- 2019: Time- and memory-efficient reduction and visualization of high-dimensional complex systems (Hungarian Association for Innovation, Budapest, Ericsson Hungary)
- 2019: Efficient simulation of complex systems (Interdisciplinar Science Conference of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca)
- 2018: Efficient simulation of complex systems (Transylvanian Scientific Student’s Conference)
- 2017: Computer-aided geometric design (Transylvanian Scientific Student’s Conference)
Honors and awards
- 2016-2017: Junior Templeton Fellow at Hungarian Templeton Program
- 2017-2018: Junior Research Fellow at Talent Research Foundation in the Carpathian Basic (KMTA)
- 2016-2017: Junior Templeton Fellow at Hungarian Templeton Program
Extracurricular knowledge
- Developed new mathematical methods:
- Recursive method for representing high-dimensional datasets in lower dimensions while inheriting most of the important information, such as global minima and maxima
- Recursive method for parallelizable approximation of linearized fractional differential equations, compatible with still existing numerical methods
- Oscillation-minimized interpolating spline for data reconstruction from incomplete time series, by solving boundary value problems – works for fractional derivatives too
- Computer-Aided Geometric Desing
- Control-point based exact description of curves and surfaces
- Mathematical modeling of high-dimensional complex systems
- Used Object-Oriented C++ 11/14 in order to create basic software with GUI in Qt Creator for efficient study of simulated complex systems
Professional skills
- High-level C++ and C knowledge
- Intermediate C#, OpenGL and Qt knowledge
- Beginner OpenMP, Java and Python knowledge
Areas of interest
- Mathematical modeling of complex systems
- Numerical analysis
- Network science
- Geometry of curved spaces
- Theoretical physics
- Computer Science
- Literature