Adaptation and decision making mechanisms of complex networks
In this project we identified two general mechanisms of the adaptation of complex systems to changes in their environment. Shifts between a.) more plastic and b.) more rigid states (plasticity-rigidity cycles) enable the complex systems and their network representations a.) to explore a wide range of potential responses, or b.) to select the optimal response, respectively. In case of known situations, system response is often defined by a fast action of well-selected few nodes of the network core. On the contrary, in unknown situations a multitude of peripheral nodes are also involved in the slowly emerging community response, the wisdom of crowds. Such a "slow democracy" process may also refine the primary, fast response of core nodes.
We have summarized the above two general adaptation and decision making mechanisms in the following BioEssays paper and pre-publication.
Preliminary descriptions of the above thoughts appeared earlier as
- Gáspár, E.M. és Csermely, P. (2012) Rigidity and flexibility of biological networks. Briefings Funct. Genomics 11, 443-456.
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- Csermely, P., Korcsmáros, T., Kiss, H.J.M., London, G. and Nussinov, R. (2013) Structure and dynamics of biological networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery. A comprehensive review. Pharmacol. Therap. 138, 333-408, IF: 8.6,
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- Gyurko, D.M., Veres, D.V., Modos, D., Lenti, K., Korcsmaros, T. and Csermely, P. (2013) Adaptation and learning of molecular networks as a description of cancer development at the systems-level: Potential use in anti-cancer therapies. Seminars in Cancer Biology 23, 262-269, IF: 6.5
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- Csermely, P., London, A., Wu, L.-Y. and Uzzi, B. (2013) Structure and dynamics of core-periphery networks. J. Complex Networks 1, 93-123.
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- Csermely, P. (2014) How can we changes the networks inside and around us? (Inauguration lecture at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 11th February 2014).
Download the English text from here

- Csermely, P., Mihalik, A., Vassy, Z. and London, A. (2014) Crisis responses and crisis management: What can we learn from biological networks? Systema 2, 23-27. Download it!

- Csermely, P., Hódsági, J., Korcsmáros, T., Módos, D., Perez-Lopez, A.R., Szalay, K., Veres, D.V., Lenti, K., Wu, L.Y. and Zhang, X.S. (2015) Cancer stem cells display extremely large evolvability: alternating plastic and rigid networks as a potential mechanism. Network models, novel therapeutic target strategies and the contributions of hypoxia, inflammation and cellular senescence. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 30, 42-51. IF: 9.1 .
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