
The NetworGame program package

The NetworGame program package is a cross-platform, multi-threaded, generic tool to simulate repeated spatial games. The NetworGame program package is a console application augmented with a Graphical User Interface, and a data mining tool, which helps extracting and storing data in comma-separated value (csv) format.

Key features of the NetworGame program package:

The simulation program includes

  1. options for pay-off matrices of any symmetric or asymmetric normal form games (with 2 to 5 strategies);
  2. several well-known, replicator-type strategy update rules, as well as the option for additional strategy update rules in a ‘plugin’-type format;
  3. synchronous, and semi-synchronous updating;
  4. several in-built model networks (such as random, lattice and small-world;
  5. the option for the inclusion of any real world networks in Pajek format;
  6. the program allows setting the starting strategy of any nodes according to the wish of the experimenter, and
  7. introduces the novel use of link weights by considering link weights as probabilities of the game played between the corresponding nodes;
  8. moreover, the program allows the use of directed networks specified in Pajek format which allows the simulation of asymmetric games like the ultimatum game or the dictator game.

Downloadable materials:

  • A detailed User Guide to use the NetworGame program package. Download it in pdf! PDF format
  • A Tutorial to use the NetworGame program package. Download it in pdf! PDF format
  • The NetworGame algorithm package described in the User Guide and in the Tutorial. (Run under Linux- or Windows-based operating systems.) Register and download! [link]
    Remark: The NetworGame program package is freely accessible for research-related use. The user is only requested to cite this site ( ) and the original publication below whenever publishing any results using this program. For non-research purpose license, please contact us at [email protected] .
  • Manuscript describing the NetworGame package: Publication first describing the NetworGame program:
    • Farkas, I.J., Korcsmáros, T., Kovács, I.A., Mihalik, Á., Palotai, R., Simkó, G.I., Szalay, K.Z., Szalay-Bekő, M., Vellai, T., Wang, S. and Csermely, P. (2011) Network-based tools in the identification of novel drug-targets. Science Signaling 4, pt3. Download the paper! PDF format
      Download the slideshow!

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  • You can send us your comment using this contact form [link]or by sending an email to [email protected].
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Other publications:

  • You can find our previous spatial game-related publications here. [link]

Published by the LINK-Group | Editor: Péter Csermely | Last updated on 10 09 2013
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