- 2003-2010: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Department of Informatics (download Master's Thesis)
- 1999-2003: Lovassy László Secondary Grammar School (Veszprém, Hungary)
Working experiences:
Professional skills
- Programming languages: Java, C, C++, Android, Python, PHP, SQL, OpenGL
- Operating Systems: Linux, Windows
- Technologies: Java Virtual Machine, JADE (java agent development framework), Relational Databases, graph clustering methods, bioinformatical databases and analysis, NetBeans Platform
- Other skills: basic project management, Agile experience, innovation management
Language skills
- English: intermediate level of general language (exam in 2003)
- German: basic conversational skills
- Hungarian: native language
Organizational experiences and social activities
- 2012: Finalist place in the global corporate innovation competition organized in Ericsson (Development Unit Core and IMS)
- 2009: Finalist place in the global corporate innovation competition organized in Ericsson (Business Unit Multimedia)
- 2009: Scientific Student's Association Report - István Kovács, Robin Palotai, Máté Szalay: Novel methods for overlapping clustering of
vertices of graphs, with biochemical, sociological and telecommunication applications. (National level - Second prize)
- 2007: Scientific Student’s Association Report – Robin Palotai, Máté Szalay and István Kovács: Novel methods for overlapping clustering of vertices of graphs, with biochemical, sociological and telecommunication applications. (BUTE - First prize)
- 2003: Golden medal at the 52nd Eureka World Exhibition on Innovation, Research and New Technologies
- 2002: Junior Bolyai Prize (with Robin Palotai)
Patents and research activity
- 2011 Korcsmaros T, Szalay-Beko M, Palotai R, Szuromi G, Dunai Zs, Fazekas D - Patent Application P1100368
- 2010 Szalay-Beko M, Stanojevic O, Farkas L - Ericsson patent filled in the USA
- 2006 Kovács IA, Szalay-Beko M, Csermely P, Korcsmáros T. - Patent application, PCT/IB2007/05047
- 2004- Member of the LinkGroup research group of the Department of Medical Chemistry, Semmelweis University (Budapest, Hungary). Working in the field of network clustering methods and evolutionary game theory.
Highlighted publications
- Szalay-Beko, M., Palotai, R., Szappanos, B., Kovács, I.A., Papp, B. and Csermely, P. (2012) ModuLand plug-in for Cytoscape: determination of hierarchical layers of overlapping network modules and community centrality. Bioinformatics 2012; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bts352;
Download it!
The Cytoscape plug-in program and its User Guide can be downloaded from here:
- Kovacs, I.A., Palotai, R., Szalay, M.S. and Csermely, P. (2010) Community landscapes: a novel, integrative approach for the determination of overlapping network modules. PLoS ONE 7, e12528, IF: 4.4 Download it! Supporting web-site with all downloadable algorithms:
Featured in the February 2011 issue of Science Signaling
- Wang, S., Szalay, M.S., Zhang, C. and Csermely, P. (2008) Learning and innovative elements of strategy update rules expand cooperative network topologies. PLoS One 3, e1917, Visit it at!
Download it! 
Other publications
- Farkas, I.J., Korcsmaros, T., Kovacs, I.A., Mihalik, A., Palotai, R., Simko, G.I., Szalay, K.Z., Szalay-Beko, M., Vellai, T., Wang, S. and Csermely, P. (2011) Network-based tools in the identification of novel drug-targets. Science Signaling 4, pt3. IF: 6.120 Download the paper!

Download the slideshow!
- Korcsmaros, T. Szalay, M.S., Rovo, P., Palotai, R., Fazekas, D., Lenti, K., Farkas, I.J. Csermely, P. and Vellai, T. (2011) Signalogs: orthology-based identification of novel signaling pathway components in three metazoans. PLoS ONE 8, e19240, IF: 4,4 Download it!

- Tamás Korcsmaros; Illes J. Farkas; Mate S. Szalay; Petra Rovo; David Fazekas; Zoltan Spiro; Csaba Bode; Katalin Lenti; Tibor Vellai; Peter Csermely (2010) Uniformly curated signaling pathways reveal tissue-specific cross-talks and support drug target discovery. Bioinformatics 26, 2042-2050, IF: 4,9; Download it!

Supplementary material 
- Csermely, P., Korcsmaros, T., Kovacs, I.A., Szalay M.S. and Soti, C. (2008) Systems biology of molecular chaperone networks. In: The biology of extracellular molecular chaperones. Novartis Foundation Symposium Series Vol. 291, Wiley, pp. 45-58. Download it!

- Palotai, R. Szalay, M.S. and Csermely, P. (2008) Chaperones as integrators of cellular networks: changes of cellular integrity in stress and diseases. IUBMB Life 60, 10-18,, IF: 2.3 Download it!

Visit it at!
- Szalay, M.S., Kovacs, I.A., Korcsmaros, T., Bode. C. and Csermely, P. (2007) Stress-induced rearrangements of cellular networks: consequences for protection and drug design. FEBS Lett. 581, 3675-3680,, IF: 3.4 Download it!

- Bode. C., Kovacs, I.A., Szalay, M.S., Palotai, R. Korcsmaros, T., and Csermely, P. (2007) Network analysis of protein dynamics. FEBS Lett. 581, 2776-2782,, IF: 3.4 Download it!

- Korcsmaros, T., Szalay, M.S., Bode. C., Kovacs, I.A., and Csermely, P. (2007) How to design multi-target drugs: Target-search options in cellular networks. Expert Op. Drug Discov. 2, 1-10, Download it!

- Korcsmaros, T., Kovacs, I.A., Szalay, M.S. and Csermely, P. (2007) Molecular chaperones: the modular evolution of cellular networks. J. Biosci. 32, 441-446,, IF: 1.0 Download it!

- Kovacs, I.A., Szalay, M.S. and Csermely, P. (2005) Water and molecular chaperones act as weak links of protein folding networks: energy landscape and punctuated equilibrium changes point towards a game theory of proteins. FEBS Letters, 579, 2254-2260 IF: 3.5 Download it!

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- Recommended by Faculty of 1000 (F1000 Prime)

Posters and Conferences
- Palotai R., Wang S., Zhang C., Szalay, M.S., Csermely P. (2007) Learning and Innovation Expand Cooperative Network Topologies; Poster, Third Yamada Symposium, Japan
- Palotai R., Kovacs, I.A., Szalay, M.S., Csermely P. (2007) ModuLand, A Powerful and Extensive Family of Methods to Uncover The Overlapping Modules and Hierarchy of Complex Networks; Poster, Third Yamada Symposium, Japan
- Csermely P., Kovacs, I.A., Szalay, M.S. (2007) Modular structure, learning and innovation of networks; International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, Sovata, Romania